Open Makerspace
Students grades 3+ can use our makerspace and engineering tools to work on their own projects. Students may also utilize the space to do homework or just hang out. Mentors are always available to help with projects or homework.
Unlimited: $260/mo
No advance reservations are required after signup, students can drop in anytime.
Hourly: $30/hr
All hourly members must book makerspace time in advance via the sign up link below. Time can be booked in 30 min increments
Reduced Rate
We want to make Forge Makerspace accessible to families of all income levels. Families that meet our income requirements are eligible for a reduced monthly membership. Apply below.
Mon-Fri: 2:00-6:00PM
Makerspace time is unstructured where students have access to our workshop, tools, and materials to work on their own projects.
Open Makerspace time is for students grades 3+.
Unlimited plan students can drop in anytime we are open and do not need to sign up for time slots in advance. Students paying hourly can be signed up in 30 min increments here.
How it works
Consumables — 3D printer filament, electronic components, wood, etc. — are not included in the membership. Students will log their consumable use in our system and this will be billed along with their plan.
During sign up, parents are can set a weekly budget for their students that caps what they are allowed to spend on consumables.
Liability Waiver
All student must have signed policies and liability waiver on file to attend Workshop Time. Please make sure to complete this for your student before attending. Thank you!